About the Founder

Nasra Wehelie


“When we allow ourselves to be shielded and disconnected from those who are vulnerable and disfavored, we lose our effectiveness. But proximity is a pathway through which we learn the kind of things we need to make healthier communities” -Bryan Stevenson, author of Just Mercy.

Proximity has been a core aspect of Nasra’s mission in both her professional and community work. Born in Somalia and a resident of Dane County for 31 years, Nasra Wehelie has lived at the intersection of many communities. As a Muslim Black Somali Immigrant Woman, Nasra has sat at many tables in the Madison community and has worked with over 15 boards and 20 committees. From nonprofits and businesses to municipalities and the school district, her experience has often led her to be the only Muslim woman of color in the room. Nasra is a graduate of University of Wisconsin Madison with BA in International Relations and MBA from Cardinal University.

Nasra has worked professionally in the Non-Profit sector for 15 years in multiple capacities. Nasra learned that in order to lead with empathy, one must have a thorough personal understanding of what empathy means to the individual. This opened her eyes to the need of an empathy-based approach in the community to bridge gaps between the different communities she lived and worked with. Additionally, an increasingly polarizing world, empathy is at the cornerstone of solving complex issues in society. From workplace discrimination to systemic racism, many societal issues stem from a lack of understanding and compassion for others. Through an empathy-based approach, one learns to meet people where they are and sees issues from other perspectives and to also have a more nuanced understanding of the problems at hand. Building a culture of empathy weaves people and communities together in a more genuine way. Nasra believes this approach leads to healthier workplace culture and communities. Nasra understands the power of listening to others and the power of empathy. Empathy allows us to put ourselves in our colleagues’ shoes, and plan for change management in a way that considers their needs, expectations, and perspectives and that can often exemplify opportunities for deeper connection and understanding with our employees and clients.


“Learning to stand in somebody else’s shoes, to see through their eyes, that’s how peace begins. And it’s up to you to make that happen. Empathy is a quality of character that can change the world”.
~Barack Obama

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