Equity 4 Empathy [E4E] helps organizations build a Culture of Empathy for organizational excellence. Through a structural social change process (Purpose, Policy, Practice, and Progress), our consultants will develop a workplace culture centered in diversity, empathy, equity, and inclusions.  E4E approach builds on an organization’s strength and includes all employees as part of the solution with actionable insights and trends that can be used to optimize conversion tactics, strengthen staff retention efforts, and proof of fundraising strategy for years to come


The first step is to articulate mission, vision and values of the organization. Once this baseline has been articulated, E4E will work with organizational leadership to determine specific actions to take for organizational Transformation: Second step, we diagnose strengths and needs for improvement in organizations; gain a clear understanding of where the organization currently stands in terms of empathy, assess organizational culture and identify existing opportunities and barriers to change in building a culture of empathy. This step involves developing strategy to engage employees to build the culture of empathy.


Design Strategic alignment approach: Empathy 4 Equity Partner with clients to design strategies to build a culture of empathy. By embedding Diversity, Empathy, Equity and inclusion into organizational systems, processes, policies, and culture, we help clients build a culture that attracts and sustains a diverse workforce. We design customizable training and facilitate discussions to create the foundation and processes for both individual awareness and organizational change. We firmly believe that understanding the aspects of power and racial bias is key in creating a culture, designing systems and implementing policies that align organizations more closely with their mission, vision and values. “creating a respectful environment for people regardless of their background by advocating an inclusive approach.” The key here is “understanding how systemic discrimination threatens fairness and employee morale.”


Build practices to sustain behaviors. “Diversity initiatives, to be successful, require there be an action plan in place allowing the human resources department or leadership to monitor the progress of the initiative and to project in building a culture of empathy. Organizations have discovered that it is not merely enough to hire employees who are from minority groups to lead the diversity initiatives. In order to achieve sustaining results in workplace belonging it is important to truly embrace the culture of the minorities in your work force, to allow employees their cultural differences, and to actively source ways in which those differences can be used for the development of the organization. Cultivating empathy and equity within the organization and expanding empathy when talking to people outside the circle. People tend to be comfortable with others like them.” Practice means “challenging prejudice and discovering commonalities. Leaders need to foster empathy in the workplace by modeling it in their own behavior by practicing empathic listening when interacting with their employees. This involves seeking to understand their employee’s feelings and perspective. When leaders model empathetic behavior, they set the tone for the work environment.


Build implementation plan. Build implementation plan: To evaluate the success of the 4ps model, decision makers need to believe the individual and organizational transformation matter and must actively show their support for consideration of the context. Data gathering is critical to establishing relevant benchmarks.

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